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Session 2: Data Analysis I (Primary Data)

August 25, 2024

Facilitators: Dr Solomon Okunade and Dr Alhassan Karakara

This session will feature the following:

  • How to clean cross-sectional data
  • Studying cross-sectional data and determining which estimation is best suited.
  • Estimations using Logit, Probit (Multinomial and Binary)
  • Some post-estimation tests

Dr Solomon Oluwaseun Okunade is a development and financial Economist. He works on poverty/inequality reduction, productivity growth, financial development and inclusion, as well as the institutional roles in the growth and development of different sectors of the economy. Recently, his research focused on climate change’s impacts on sustainable green growth. He has many publications to his credit and is a reviewer of several reputable Journal Outlets.

Dr Alhassan Karakara is a researcher at the School of Economics, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He has executed some funded research projects, including CODESRIA’s 2017 Meaning-making Research Initiatives-MRI on ‘Large-scale Land Investments and (Un)Employment Questions in Africa’. His research interests include but are not limited to environmental and energy economics, economics of innovation and technology, poverty studies, and development economics, with an emphasis on developing and transitioning economies. He has strong communication skills and is a good team player. He is hardworking, intelligent, and self-driven and can work under pressure in a multicultural environment. He has a good knowledge of some statistical packages, including STATA, E-views, R, and SPSS.



The highlight on YouTube is herein embedded:



August 25, 2024