African Scholars Mentorship Network on Free Virtual Grant Winning Series 2.0
It is another Series on the Free Virtual Grant Winning Series 2.0 hosted among the African Scholars Mentorship Network on the platform of DePECOS Institutions and Development Research Centre
Registration: Ongoing (Click the Link to Register)
Training Begins on the 24th of September, 2023
Time: 7PM
Right from inception DIaDeRC has been dedicated to strengthening and empowering African researchers by enhancing their institutional capacities and promoting human development, through meaningful discussions, workshops, publications, access to funding, educative materials, and training.
The Free Virtual Grant Winning Series 2.0 is one of such trainings, we are confident that when researchers are trained to gain the resources they need to conduct their research work that ill lead to socio-economic, and environmental transformation for Africa, by African and the global economy.
Alumnus of Series 1.0 have experienced a change in approach, thinking and process of carrying out their research. They have gained the intellectual capacity to collaborate, network, research and more importantly win research grants.
We are confident that Series 2.0 is next level. Through the training you get access and experience:
P.S Registering places the responsibility to meet up the attendance requirement evidenced by taking the exercise to qualify for a certificate of completion.
To know more please send a mail to this contact
Outline for Series 2.0 of the African Scholars Mentorship Network
This table includes the episodes of Series 2.0 for members of the African Scholars Mentorship Network. It is provided to give us a guide and know the exact dates each session will be held. You are encouraged to make a copy of this calendar and add to your personal calendar to enable you to not miss out on any of the sessions or episodes, as the case may be. We wish you a wonderful journey ahead.