XCept Grant: Call for Expressions of Interest: Research on women and girls in cross-border conflict contexts

The UK aid-funded Cross-border Conflict Evidence, Policy and Trends (XCEPT) research programme examines how violent conflicts connect across borders. XCEPT views conflicts as complex systems that connect across borders and ensnare conflict actors and communities, intertwining the licit and illicit, the formal and informal.

Conflict, crime, and extremism undermine the stability, resilience, and security of entire regions. XCEPT argues that international policies and programmes must adapt in response – to address conflict dynamics both within and beyond state borders. This includes transcending state-centric approaches in order to tackle the transnational networks that drive and sustain conflict and to support communities coping with protracted crisis. XCEPT’s research draws lessons from policy interventions – multilateral, regional, bilateral, national, and local – on conflict prevention, stabilisation, and resolution, and through comparative analysis of policy responses in varied conflict contexts.

In this vein, the XCEPT Research Fund is commissioning research on how women and girls interact with the transnational dimensions of violent conflict. In particular, the Fund is interested in research that examines the complex roles that women and girls play in cross-border conflict systems, and their prevention, stabilisation, and resolution. We are also interested in research on how policy or programme interventions that are designed to tackle the transnational dimensions of conflict impact women and girls, and how more inclusive and representative power-sharing arrangements might prevent or resolve violent conflict.

Estimated number of awards: 5
Budget range for each award: £10,000 – £35,000
Estimated period of performance: 3-9 months

Deadline: September 13
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